
Slideshow: The jury's job in Apple vs. Samsung

Slideshow: The jury's job in Apple vs. Samsung

SAN JOSE -- The nine regular Joes and Janes of the San Jose jury in the Apple vs. Samsung patent infringement case have quite a task ahead of them when they arrive at work on 9am Wednesday morning.

They must consider a case that has expanded into more than 1,900 pages of legal filings and tens of exhibits including dozens of smartphones and tablets they will have available to examine. At the end of the day, they have to answer 33 highly specific and complex multipart questions on a 20 page verdict form.

To help them do that work, they have been given by Judge Lucy Koh 84 instructions that span another 109 page document. They include explanations of arcane legal concepts such as patent exhaustion and--ironically--obviousness.

Here's a look at what they will be looking at to do their duty. Just for fun, I'll start with the instruction on the legal term of obviousness.

Click on image to enlarge.

Next: The verdict form--Apple examples
TAG:Jury Instructions Verdict Form Samsung Apple Patents Infringement Smartphones Handsets IPhone IPad Court Verdict

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